Thursday 28 October 2010

Perhaps "fuck off" might be too kind.

Not my words, but those of lyrically clever Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys fame, but stolen as my own. I digress, already, before I've even made reference to the point. That must be a personal achievement! Score. Anyway, my point today, is about that online popularity contest, Facebook, which has been inspired today after reading this which was posted on Facebook by my friend, who ironically, I'm going to delete for posting shit like this several times a day. Kidding Luke, kidding. I'm going to delete you for being a pretentious tit. Kidding, again. (Obviously I don't read Marie-Claire, by the way).
Not even glass eyes are sacred from product placement. Bastards.

I love my Facebook, and rather surprisingly perhaps to some people, I actually have friends on there. For some reason, people choose to advertise their association with me and admit that, rather than just some bloke they loosely know through an unfortunate chain of mutual acquaintances, we are "friends". Just last week in fact, someone who I was quite happy to correct any assumptions people may have had, said on this very blog "you can call me your friend". Quite why she would choose to potentially slurry her reputation held by others is beyond me, but it racks up my advertised number of friends, so I'll not question her motive. Not that I'm implying she has a motive to question, of course. For a long time though I steered well clear of Facebook altogether, I just saw this as yet another site for which slightly vein or socially insecure teenagers took time out from standing in the mirror and worrying about how fat they aren't or dragging a compass across their wrist to leave "realistic" self harming marks to 'hide' attempted to participate in a blatant popularity contest poorly masquerading as a 'social networking' website, which would inevitably follow the pattern of previous contenders (MySpace et al) and practically implode after having 'it's day', making way for the next in the line. Eventually, after begrudgingly accepting that Facebook was becoming more than just a passing phase, and that "it's day" was now turning into years, and more importantly, after getting sick of hearing "you're not on Facebook??" being shrieked at me in utter disbelief as if intentionally not having a Facebook account is as insane as not having a TV in the corner of your living room, I succumbed to peer pressure and signed away any ounce of privacy (and a little self respect) I may have once believed I had. I still stand by my original beef though; interestingly, Facebook finds that your number of friends is a vital piece of information about your identity, and without giving you the option to hide this, displays your popularity score friend count right underneath your basic information. The next time I'm giving my particulars to someone, not only am I going to give them my name, address, date of birth and ethnicity, they are getting my friend count too. I know this information of hand, as, in protest of this contest, I specifically keep this number to exactly 100 (note to all; I am fully aware that currently I'm at 104. This will be remedied). Well, 99 just seemed a little too much like I was trying to reach 100, and anything more fails to illustrate my point - just because no one is aware I'm making a point doesn’t mean that there isn't one being made! The point is, and similarly to the point I made for years during school PE, is that if I'm going to lose at a game I don't even want to play, I'll lose by my own terms, and I'll take as many of you down with me as I can. Pick me at your peril.

Ok, so as a relative newcomer to the big book of faces, after admitting that it does indeed have it's uses, and although I'm actually pretty good at keeping in touch with people (mainly via emails sent / received at work) and make the time to catch up with mates fairly frequently without reliance of my computer, yes, Facebook makes this a little easier, especially since texting on a touch screen phone is frustratingly clumsy and a little like trying to walk in a straight line after a "quick one after work" [James: Sports bar?]. I'll also state that the photo hosting aspect is quite handy, especially for short tempered cretins such as myself that just can't be bothered going through the rather condescending "Forgotten your password? Again?" link on Photobucket / Picasa etc, even if not getting the option to approve photos my mates have tagged me in where mid sentence I appear to be taking part in a gurning competition so I have to routinely go through and "untag" myself from gets a bit annoying. Don't even get me started on Farmville and Mafia Wars, but I do particularly enjoy / abuse having a little bit of space to vent spleen from time to time (daily) and share my shorter trivial thoughts that don't end up on this blog with the lucky 100 "friends" fortunate enough to see my 'updates'. The upkeep of the golden 100 is the cherry on the social networking cake though, this is why I really love Facebook: Every time I accept a new friend, I have to find some really nit-picky reason to delete someone I have no / didn’t have any particular ill feelings about, and this is where we get back to the link to the Marie Claire article. I'll delete someone for what ever reason I see fit, I don’t need to justify or excuse this, I don’t even need to hide this, sometimes I'll even go a little out of my way to inform them as to why I've deleted them. "I c dat u hav deltd me y?" That's why. Racist / sexist / homophobic opinion / "joke"? Deleted. Every status update this week been about what you've had / are having / wish you were having for tea? Deleted. Been watching shitty music videos for hours on end on YouTube and linking every single one as an update for us all have you? Deleted. Relationship status change several times a day? You need to grow the fuck up. Oh, by the way, deleted.

You see, Facebook is nothing more than just another platform to extend my real life behaviour and for me to be a dismissive and arrogant cunt to anyone and everyone I see fit, for whatever reason I see fit, and this opportunity could not be passed, even if it does mean I have to swallow a little pride and enjoy the practicalities it provides as an added bonus. I was recently described as "acting like I own the monopoly on friendship" in a derogatory tone of voice. Hate to piss on that fire, but that's not an insult, it's as much fact as it is to call me ginger, I do (act, that is, not actually own, although that would be quite profitable I imagine). Nothing, and I do mean nothing, during my working hours, gives me as much self gratifying entertainment whilst at the same time providing me with that smug twat glow as receiving a notification to inform me I have a new "friend" request, looking to see who it is, hovering over the 'Accept' button, then clicking 'Ignore'. Feeling a little selfish and rather selflessly in an attempt to reduce these instances, I purposely keep my profile set to 'open' and have released a few statements in the past to inform potential friend requesters of the likelihood of acceptance, such as "If I went to school with you and have not been in touch with you since, it's probably because you're a twat" and also "saying 'alright' to me, back in '98, when you thought I was someone else, does not make us friends". I feel a little ripped off that this button is labelled as "Ignore" though. I'd quite like it to say "Declined". In fact, further to that, I want it to say "Declined" and inform the requester that they have had their request denied, rather than simply and in my opinion, more politely, ignored. Even better, it would be priceless if the declined notification provided a little box for me to fill in and inform them as to my thought process immediately before hitting the fictitious decline button, which would either be a quote from the good Alex Turner himself, or, depending on the nature of knowledge of one another's existence, would read something along the lines of "You were a prick in 1996, and unlike perhaps a fine wine, I somehow doubt you have the ability to have matured with age. Congratulations, you've been outdone by rotting grapes. Declined".

So, and considering the only place I post the link to this blog is Facebook there stands to be a chance some of you whom I am referring to are reading this, if I do have you as a friend on Facebook, it's because (and congratulations, you are one of few) I genuinely like you. Or you're the partner of someone I like. Or we're related.

Now, I must get on with deleting 4 of you.

PS: Spell check reveals I have typed the word Facebook (including this sentence) no fewer than 14 times. Reckon that will get me on Google? [edit] No then. Shame.

Monday 18 October 2010

'Tis the season...

To be jolly, apparently. I'm not too sure when it was decided that the season began in the second week of October, or quite who it is that has the authority to determine the start of the season, but nether the less, we are now in the season. I have of course heard one or two people whinge "It'll soon be Christmas", but have previously dismissed these as the mumblings of sad old fuckers that quite literally have nothing else to look forward to moaning about. It was during my lunch today however, which on this occasion was 'enjoyed' in the finest of eateries, McDonalds, that I came to the realisation that it is, apparently, nearly Christmas, despite it still been October. This realisation was served in the form of been forced to suffer the same four Christmas songs played on repeat, curtsey of whoever it is at McDonalds HQ has the extremely important job of selecting the playlist for the chain of restaurants and gets to decide when they are played (perhaps this is the man that decides when Christmas starts!). After hearing the timeless sounds of Slade declare it's Christmas there really is little left to deny. God bless Noddy Holder, I hope he never dies. Not because I even remotely like the pork pie looking Brummie retard, but because upon his death, I will undoubtedly be forced to hear his gravelly trade mark rasping continuously for weeks on end. They might even manage to piss Cowell off and get a Christmas number 1 out of his rather selfish demise. This will have me resorting to inserting a 6 inch nail into each ear hole, and purposely allowing a lift door to close on my head, in an attempt to end the torture. Anyway, he's on my list of Celebrity Vampires so I'm sure I'll never have to get all melodramatic about it (I genuinely do have this list, I'm not making this up for comedic effect here, the list comprises entirely of celebrities that despite having the appearance of being constructed from cellotape then melted with a lighter and pubes hair sprinkled on top, refuse to kick the bucket. I present to you exhibit A: Bruce Forsyth. Ever seen him in daylight? It's because he's a sun fearing immortal, clearly).

I rest my case. Pervert Vampire.

I'd like to clarify at this stage, just to eliminate any incorrect assumptions, I do not hate Christmas. I actually quite like it, which seems to surprise most people, for some reason. I get the vague impression that some people think I'm grumpy. Just last week in fact, my friend (well, technically, my girlfriends friend, but despite our continued exchanges of sarcasm, I actually quite like this girl so I'm going to refer to her as "my friend". This way I appear to have more friends than I actually do, so everyone's a winner… apart from the girl in question, perhaps) said, and I quote "You strike me as a miserable old man". Charming. Now couple this with my blatant hatred of anyone under the age of 21 years and my absolute fear of anyone under the age of 21 months, I can see why people jump to the conclusion that I may be very against the public celebration of our Lords birthday (I almost said that without sounding sarcastic didn't I?), but again, just to clarify, I'm not. Thoughtful presents, less thoughtful (but equally appreciated) money in cards, time off from work, festive massacring of escaping British prisoners of war on telly? What's not to like!?

I find that generally society is far more tolerant and nicer to each other around Christmas as there is definitely a festive spirit in the air, so long as you don't wish to breath this air whilst trying to walk anywhere / stand anywhere / queue for anything. In the interest of preserving this possibly imagined perception of festive cheer, I try to avoid the aforementioned as much as is possible, as well as reading the news about how local burglaries have taken a sharp rise this year, speaking to the neighbours about the stolen goods they have bought and how "if I'm after anything they'll sort me out", and most of all opening the front door to the groups of carol singers - and of course by carol singers I do mean gangs of hooded teenage chavs braying the crap out of my door at 10:00pm who then proceed to mutter the only line of Away in a Manger they can remember whilst trying to sneak a peak of how big my telly is or if there any decent size boxes under my Christmas tree, all for the reasonable sum of a fiver. Or the offer of a beating with the fat end of a pool cue which I rather handily keep behind my front door for such occasions, whichever.

Unfortunately the determining of the start of the season has not yet spread to my place of work, as I found out when informing my college of the soundtrack to my lunchtime and being overheard by other colleagues. The witches corner took this news as an opportunity to break out into tandem moaning (I should point out that these are the same sad old fuckers I mentioned earlier on) - which to my surprise was not about how everywhere is really busy, the fuss, or how much it all costs, but the overwhelming abundance of food. Long ago in my very first blog I promised to never write about work, and I'm not, but I am about to write about a colleague, who for fear of incriminating myself or setting myself up for an industrial bullying claim I'll refer only to as Kath. Now Kath is a self proclaimed health freak who feels the need to question everyone as to how many calories are in whatever they are seen eating with a look of judgment on her sagging face, and lives solely on a diet of dry brown toast, bananas, and cups of warm water. The warm water thing puzzled me, so I googled it - turns out warm water is a natural laxative. Lovely. Despite Kath's "healthy" diet, and contrary to her self belief, she looks like shit. Actually I take that back, at least shit has substance. She looks like what I imagine Skeletor would look like if he had an eating disorder, wore foundation, and underneath that hood had the hair of Worzel Gummage. No doubt my announcing of the commence of the season has set Kath into worrying that she may be pressured into eating a sprout on Christmas day. She disappeared for a while after she'd finished fretting about people bringing in mince pies to share around. Probably to worship Armitage Shanks after going crazy with the toast that day. I don't know how I keep this festive cheer up sometimes.

Christmas does for me determine a definite use of having a girlfriend. That came out wrong, I'm not saying my girlfriend is useless, just that as a fully grown man, her main use will prove itself at Christmas. Oh for gods sake, that came out even worse than the first time! Fuck it, it's staying. Remembering that my mum reads this crap, I'll choose my words carefully here, in fact, I'll exclude her all together from this next statement [note; mum - this does not include you]. You see, the thing is and I'm sure you'll agree, as an adult, Christmas morning sucks. If it wasn't for having a significant other, I'm pretty sure I'd have the equivalent of bugger all to open on Christmas morning. In fact I'd have worse than bugger all, I'd have what I do have; completely useless presents which have been purchased without an ounce of thought other than "must get him something / anything". I'm not talking about generic gifts like socks, for the want and joy of socks, at least I'd wear those! I'm talking about the kind of gift that will definitely be resigned to the cupboard of crap, a specific spot reserved for various useless items acquired over the years. Example - last year, after presenting my father with a jumper which I'd very carefully and rather thoughtfully purchased for him from George no less, he issued me with my present, wrapped in actual wrapping paper and everything, as opposed to being left in the carrier bag complete with receipt. I could tell from the size and weight this was a DVD box set of some description. Before I was able to even begin to get any hopes up it that it might be something I'd actually appreciate, he stated "I don't know if you're into 'owt like that" whilst I was still in the process of unwrapping it, begging the thought "why the hell did you think of buying it for me then?". This is the worst bit of Christmas, having to convincingly pretend to be grateful whilst clutching a DVD box set of The Alien Files, and sporting an insincere smile / grimace that resembles the face pulled by my mates when they insist on risking a hernia and forcing out a fart for 'entertainment' purposes. Actually, the worst bit is finding somewhere to stash something I'm blatantly never going to watch (it's a documentary series following the "adventures" of a group of amateur UFO spotters, in case you were wondering), as I can't throw it away, it was present after all. It can go in the same place as my remote control sumo wrestlers from the previous year. Having a girlfriend will at least ensure that I have something to open which I actually want, as no doubt I'll think what this is any day now and hint / tell her constantly between now and the big day. I'm not completely selfish; I'll obviously buy whatever she tells me to buy for her!

I suppose all this somewhat premature talk of festivities is my own fault really, I brought it on myself no doubt for having a Christmas pudding that I spotted hiding on top of the cupboard for tea. Yes "for" tea. Well, I had some custard that was going out of date. Waste not want not, and all that. Again, it's not that I don’t like Christmas (reiterated for those that my be missing the point here) it's just that I don't like thinking about Christmas as early as October, especially when there are other events that come before it on the calendar such as Hallowe'en (complete with appropriate apostrophe to satisfy the grammar Gestapo), the annual celebration of a foiled terrorist burned at the stake (one for the kids, that), and more importantly, my own birthday, which comes before Jesus' every year but for some reason is not celebrated to the same degree.

Well, the playlist at McDonalds says it's so, so I guess it's so, even if it is still 10 whole weeks away. So let me be the first so say to you all, Merry Christmas, fuckers. Oh, and by the way, a little while ago I read something of interest that I thought I'd share with you; statically, you're more likely to have an accident in your own home than anywhere else, and the odds shoot through the roof on Christmas day. Interestingly, the most common cause of injuries treated at A+E is not through mum's insisting on using a steak knife as a screwdriver to fit batteries to a kids toy and inadvertently impaling their palm, or even gung-ho dad's lopping off a digit whilst hazardously carving the turkey tanked up on brandy to try and make the day more bearable. No, the most common injury on Christmas day is children with broken limbs from falling down the stairs whilst wearing novelty slippers. Tra-la-la-la-laa, la-la-la-laa.

PS: Sorry dad, if by some unfortunate miracle and much to my embarrassment you've found and read this, but can we stick to socks this year please. Or a BigTrak! Or a BMX!! Or a Skalextrix!!! So, socks then.

Friday 8 October 2010

A Town Called Malice

Having given London a bit of a hard time in my last blog, you may be under the impression that I am of the belief that my "neck of the woods" is somehow superior. I am not, because it is not, so I think it only fair to give you a little insight into life on my doorstep. I am informed that there is a travel writer type chap by the name of Bill Bryson that mentions Bradford once or twice and can undoubtedly do a better job of it than I, although having never read his books I can't possibly comment on his opinion of the City, but I was sent this recently which made me chuckle, so I'll blatantly plagiarise this to validate my point:

16 Reasons Bradford is so Shit?

1. The M606 is the only dead-end motorway in Britain not to have a beach or a funfair at the end of it.
2. The Kirkgate Shopping Centre is there solely as a meeting place for crap parents to batter their crap kids without incurring the wrath of crap Social Services.
3. Heroin is not a drug in Bradford, its Breakfast, Dinner and Lunch.
4. Regeneration amounts to demolition and a giant crater that just keeps getting bigger. If this is the case, don’t stop at BD1, do every BD postcode (and HX3 just to be on the safe side).
5. Bradford police are just a call centre for providing crime reference numbers for insurance purposes. They are scared of the dark and have no legs or authority.
6. Only one person in your extended family needs a drivers licence, it just gets shared. Highway codes and traffic laws are optional.
7. You shouldn’t get a taxi in Bradford unless YOU know the way to where you’re going, Bradford cabbies couldn’t find a dog turd at Crufts.
8. Outside Bradford ‘Rita Sue and Bob Too’ is a film, inside Bradford it’s a fly-on-the-wall documentary.
9. G-G-Gareth Gates is from Bradford.
10. Peter Sutcliffe is the city’s most famous person and the reason No More Nails was invented.
11. If you sign on the dole in Bradford and DON’T own a Range Rover, you obviously haven’t filled the forms in properly.
12. The lingering impression Bradfordians have that the city is a rival to Leeds. Is it fuck, its not even close.
13. Nobody under the age of 70 will remember when Bradford actually had ANYTHING going for it. And even then it’s only because there was a war on and they got evacuated from Bradford to the countryside.
14. There's a constant need to examine your shoes for dog muck until you realise its just generally how Bradford smells.
15. When people say “Can you smell take-away?”, its actually the offal plant and the wind is blowing south-westerly.
16. Rupert Austin.

Having only in recent years moved to Bradford I can agree quite strongly with some of the "reasons" above (especially #15 - I actually work inside the "abattoir triangle". Lovely.) as I am not influenced by some sort of completely unjustified local pride, and I can only imagine the original writer of the above is of the same misfortune, and if I had to guess, I'd say this wasn't by choice and he is less than happy about it (step aside, Sigman). I am however a little disappointed that only 16 observations have been included in the list. Without even putting my mind to it I could offer a few more, such as how every plot of council owned grassy land has a horse tethered to it, how both my green wheelie bin and black wheelie bin are collected by the same bin man and are taken to the same landfill site, the fact that my neighbours think I'm a "hippy" because I recycle my glass bottles, my local Working Men's Club contains no working men - unless flogging copied DVD's or stealing to order can be classed as occupations, and that only in Bradford is "sorry I'm late, I was stuck behind a horse and cart on the roundabout" accepted as a legitimate reason for lateness by my boss. But I'll save these for another day.

Plus I have a weird OCD thing, particularly with numbers, and 16, although technically even, seems odd.

Oh, and as you may have noticed, as promised, I've changed the name of this blog. Well, if I am to keep up my squatting of this miniscule plot of the internet real estate, I think it's only fair that I at least hint at what the hell I'm actually waffling about, rather than what I originally intended to waffle about. After asking my friend Hazel what to call it, although her suggestions were all good and true ("Rant of the Day", "I Hate You All", and "Your Existence is Merely Tolerated") I decided to be a little less Emo and instead make reference to a point I made a couple of posts ago. "Simples", as I believe all the cool kids are saying these days.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

London's calling...

It was my friend Steve's stag do last weekend, and quite how he managed to convince another human being to marry him without any form of internet ordering or vast quantities of money changing hands is beyond me, but the stag do definitely could not be missed, even if it was in London. My other friend, Tom of blogging fame (he gets paid to write his blog, in actual sterling pounds!) who was also going to the stag do had very kindly offered to put me up at his house for the weekend, just leaving me to take care of the task of actually getting to London. As the ritualistic humiliation known as stag do was scheduled to commence on the afternoon of the Saturday we'd decided it would be wise to drive down on the Friday, and as Tom was working the day, I decided to go into work for the morning, drive down in the afternoon, and meet him in the evening. The only problem with this plan was that it meant hitting the notorious M25 slap bang in the middle of rush 'hour', which made my mates make a noise like a plumber assessing a leak upon hearing of my plan.

The M1 leg of the journey was remarkably uneventful, aside from my amazement at how many people don't understand the term 'Average Speed' - I'll try to give you dickheads a quick lesson in basic maths: It's a fucking average speed, basically calculated as distance travelled divided by time taken. If point A to point B is achieved faster than the assigned average as determined by the number in the big red circle, It's because you were speeding, no if's, and not but's. Ploughing through the 50 zone at 80mph then stamping on the brakes when you see the yellow cameras will achieve fuck all, enjoy your three points, a day rider will set you back the best part of a fiver. Whilst we're on the subject, although you will be relieved of £60 for doing 10 miles an hour over the speed limit, this is not in turn gifted to those that do 10 miles an hour under the limit as some sort of incentive or reward , that's not quite how the world works, so you may as well hurry the fuck up. Lesson over. Turning the corner onto the M25 was so clichéd it was almost funny, I was literally greeted by a wall of traffic, in which I proceeded to spend the next two hours of my life pumping the clutch pedal like a retard at a barn dance. I was quite amused at the rather optimistic variable speed limits along the various sections though, I was beginning to have fond memories of 40 miles per hour, and if the gear stick didn't have a little picture on it telling me where 3rd was I may have never found it again. It all became too much for one chap who I passed, casually mid piss against the central reservation for all to witness, who then had to begin jogging to catch his partner up. Unfortunately for him, traffic began to move a little faster at the moment his bladder could take no more, so it was a good mile or so before he managed to catch up with his partner, who was sat in the hard shoulder waiting for him. I'd have offered him a lift seen as he was jogging behind me the entire way, but then I'd have had to find some other way to amuse myself, plus I'm not that generous. I occupied myself for the remainder of the jam with traditional road trip games such as 'block the under taker', 'spot the wanker in the Pryus' [It's Pry-us, not Pree-us and don't even get me started as to what my beef is with the morons that actually believe the marketing guff in the brochure, because I'll start quoting Einstein at you, and it'll get messy] and my personal favourite 'carve up the Beamer'. This kept me entertained until the stroke of 7:00pm, where traffic seemed to simply evaporate and I could once again find 5th and take my trusty steed up to full speed - I say steed as a horse would have actually been better suited to the road surface which seemed to have been cobbled as a cheaper alternative to tarmac. Coming from my part of the world I'm quite familiar with cobbled streets, but I don’t usually tend to do 70mph down them! My head was nodding so violently I felt like the Churchill dog, on speed, at a rave.
"Insurance - Av iiitt!"

I did learn a couple of things in the eternity spent sat in traffic though;
  • Londonites don't use their indicators to give me a clue that they are about to turn my stopping distance into a crumple zone, but only do so to request that I let them in. Request denied - although, coming from Bradford, this is actually an improvement to what I'm used to, where they majority of the population don’t even have a driving license or insurance so have no need to use the stalk on the left.
  • Motorcyclists have the God given right to clip my wing mirror with their handlebars whilst squeezing through traffic, but interestingly, I have absolutely no right what so ever to offer to have a shit in their helmets.
  • Starburst are not an appropriate driving sweet, unless you happen to like picking soggy bits of paper from between your teeth. I myself do not.

    Eventually arriving at Toms I was rewarded with a couple of beers and an early night, after been introduced to his 6 week old son, George. George did not take my hand when offered it, which I thought was a bit rude really, so we silently agreed to disagree at that point. I believe his father took some taking to me when we first met actually. Must be one of these North / South divide things I hear about on the news...

    Since I only see Tom about once a year, and since the stag do didn't kick off until 3:00pm, we'd said that if I sling my bike in the car and fetch it down with me, we'd get up early and go out for a ride, so that's exactly what we did. Up, dressed, quick bowl of cereal and out of the door for what was to be my first jaunt on a bike since last October.  Part way through we did the whole "you can have a go on mine if I can have a go of yours" swap, which left Tom describing my bike a being "a bit like a Rolls-Royce", which I think was more a reference to it's weight and bulk than build quality and luxury. My speedo wasn't working for most of it but Tom assures me we did 8.35 miles in around two hours, which wasn't bad considering this was pretty much all off road and up some fairly long and rough hills, and the fact we had to repair a massive puncture in my back tyre due to getting a bit lost in some pretty savage overgrowth. Overall it was an enjoyable and completely made up run out, although I was glad to see the home stretch as my quads and calves were burning a fair bit, but this is to be expected really as a result of sitting on my backside for the best part of a year. When we arrived back, Tom wheeled out his pride and joy to show off - Project Yolkie: The Fixie - a fancy pants pushbike to you and me, which he built himself. "Want a go?" well, it would have been rude not to really, but I was soiling myself a little bit, you see, Tom is more proud of this bike than he is of his first born son, and I was shitting myself more at the prospect of scratching it than I was at dropping George. Having Tom push me off like a child riding a bike without stabilisers for the first time must have looked quite funny to his neighbours, thinking about it now. I was pleased to hand it back unmarked, as I'm sure this would have resulted in the offer of temporary accommodation being revoked.

    A quick shower and change of clothes and it was time to head over to Greenwich to meet up with the stag, which meant spending about an hour on various trains. London used to be 'home' to me for a little while, and as much as I have some fond memories of aspects and made a couple of good friends in my brief time there, I don't miss it, especially travelling around in any form other than on foot. Why people in the capital have never adopted the British tradition of actually queueing is beyond me, forcing me to have to do the exact same, but, when in Rome I guess. After an hour of overhearing a couple of girls hold a conversation that involved "like" used between every other word and all sentences ending in "or whatevor", plus witnessing not one but two lads wearing glasses with no lenses in them (must be a trend thing, because I don't get it) I was glad to get off, although listening to Tom singing "Abba's Waterloo" quietly to himself did tickle me for some reason.
    Arriving ''fashionably'' late we walked into the stag do in full swing, and spotted the stag wearing a hat that said "half man / half badger" on it - I don't get it either, something to do with a childhood nickname or something. It became apparent that the stag had a list of thirty challenges / dares to carry out during the 'do, and just to make absolutely sure none were forgotten, the best man had printed a full list off for each of the guests, so I did the decent thing and assisted where ever possible in ensuring as many as possible could be ticked off. I arrived just in time for the start of challenge number 11 where he had to approach 5 strangers and ask them if a pair of underpants that he had "found" [purchased in advance for the occasion] belonged to them, resulting in some strange looks. The one challenge Steve (the stag, keep up) made the biggest fuss over was challenge number 3: doing a Tequila slammer. He was absolutely adamant that he was not doing this one as, apparently, the last time he did one he "nearly died" (his words, not mine) repeated at least eighty two times. The "last time" he was referring to was 1995, when he was 18, and had drank a skin full before attempting the 4 slammers, and "nearly died" was actually a bit of an exaggeration - he was tended to by those voluntary busybodies with fuck all better to do and absolutely zero medical qualifications, the St. Johns ambulance, as he threw up. Life threatening. A few sighs of despair from all and comments such as "worst stag do ever" soon took care of that, a tray of slammers was ordered, and Steve downed a shot of the stagnant cactus juice for the first time since his near death experience. It was nice to know Steve could be heavily influenced with a little peer pressure and the fear of being a disappointment to those that turned up for the event. This was knowledge was to be exploited as the night went on. After a while was time to leave Greenwich and head down river to Covent Garden via a boat, with another quick challenge thrown in - Challenge Number 8: Stand on Greenwich docks wearing a sailor hat holding a sign which says "For Rent". So, looking a little bit like our favourite 80's paedophile (no, not Timmy Mallet) Captain Birdseye, we waited for our vessel to arrive, attracting some strange looks from the local residents and tourists around, although this was probably more to do with the fact we were all wearing badger masks than the good Captain offering his services.
    'Captain' Birdseye; fucking terrifying!
    Once all aboard the ship, and taking Steve's impromptu toilet trip as an opportunity for childish shenanigans, we switched seats and hid from the stag, with the rest of the passengers on the boat seemingly in on the gag too. I don't believe it was my idea to hide so I don't feel remotely guilty at Steve's public embarrassment as he returned from the loo to find us gone and proceeded to stare at the seats we had previously occupied with a great deal of obvious confusion on his face and some comedy beard scratching (still wearing his Captains hat, may I add), as if he'd maybe imagined our existence, or we'd vanished into thin air. Although it does sound like something I would do... Anyway, we alerted him to our presence just as he was about to step off the boat a good few stops too early, to the unanimous laughter of many of the tourists aboard.

    The order of the remaining events of the evening are a little hazy in my mind after this point, although I do remember a few more challenges been carried out a various points of the night, including buttocks being signed, a bellydance being performed, and a riverdance being.. well, danced, again all encouraged with "worst. stag do. ever" been used as encouragement. Well, that and alcohol. We all went for a curry at some point, and been sat at the end of the table I quietly entertained myself with what I can only describe as the opportunistic bullying of someone I'd outed as a complete cunt earlier in the evening.

    Anyone who knows me knows I have never read "How To Win Friends and Influence People" as is obvious by my ability to alienate just about anyone, you see I'm a little bit too sincere for my own good really, and coupled with the fact that I seem to just attract absolute wankers, this makes for some 'interesting' social situations. I'd spotted this particular smug faced, expensive shoe wearing tit earlier in the day, and knew instantly we'd clash (or at least, his chubby dial would clash with the sole of my cheap boot) if we were left alone to shoot the shit for too long, so figured it would be best for all concerned if I just avoided him all together, which meant at times just walking off or turning to face the other way as he was mid statement at me. Eventually he corned me and came out with the feared statement of "How do you know Steve then". No, I don't mean question, and I didn't miss out a question mark from the end, this was not a question from him, just an opening statement to which my responses was of no interest, is simply served as an opportunity to speak once it was his turn again. I didn't bother justifying my acquaintance with the stag, instead once I'd realised there was indeed no way out of this situation, I skipped straight to providing him his opportunity to talk about himself for a bit. "Well back when I was on Grange Hill I got Steve the job working for my mum...". Excuse me? "I used to be on Grange Hill". Right, and quite what that had to do with how he knew the stag is somewhat questionable, if I cared, which I of course didn't, but for some reason he felt the need to inform me. Thankfully, Steve heard this and came over to unintentionally provide sufficient distraction for me to escape, and informed me he was actually an extra on Grange Hill for all of nine episodes. Extra. This was priceless.
    For the remainder of the night, every time this pompous mummy's boy whose name I don't believe I was ever informed of / successfully paid no attention to interrupted my conversation with someone else or blurted out some irrelevant statement of the drunken variety over the top of me, I'd take the opportunity to throw some form of pisstakery in his face, which rather surprisingly seemed to be at the approval of his "friends". I can't remember now exactly what I said to him that he took particular exception to, although he did corner me later on in another bar with what I believe was intended in his head at least to be a threat thought out in advance but fucked up severely on delivery, to which I informed him how pleased I was to meet him and how I was looking forward to telling my mates back up North I'd been talking to an actual celebrity because all I'd ever met before was amateur actors with overly pushy parents that once did an advert to be aired on the shopping channel at 4:00am as a child and still put this on their CV's. He seemed to disappear all together after this conversation, which I probably should feel a little bit guilty about, being the stags mate and everything, but in my defence, he should have never approached me, as I'm not exactly renowned for my people skills. Not that he was to know this of course, but for anyone with an ounce of social awareness it is about a obvious as I can make it without hanging a sign from around my neck with some form of pre prepared statement on it. I'd like to point out that I'm never rude to people for no reason however, just people who have either given me or I've found an excuse to be rude to. So most people then.

    Eventually it was time for the off, as it was quite late, I have no idea what time the last trains are but the prospect of missing it and paying for a cab was not an option, Tom was tired due to interrupted sleep á la George, I was knackered from the mornings bike ride and was struggling to stand up for too long, and to be fair, none of us are 21 any more, so homewards bound at a respectable hour it was.

    The following morning it was time to load up the car, say goodbye to George, and head Northwards fuelled with a cup of fancy coffee and one of the best full English breakfasts I've had in a long time courtesy of Tom, after (despite my protests to the contrary) the best stag do I've been on yet. Or like, whatevor.

    PS: I understand I may have possibly offended some people with some of the points made above, so I'll issue this statement; if you are a BMW driver, a motorcyclist, a Pryus driving moron, a lenseless spectacle wearing trendy kid, a Londonite, a St. Johns ambulance loser volunteer, Captain Birdseye, or a fat dough faced "actor" and feel I am either wrong or completely out of order in any of my statements, please feel free to debate your point in the comments box below, which I'll strongly contest as being complete bollocks, or if you have a point I can't contest, I'll delete. What? You want democracy, fuck off to China... oh, hang on...