Saturday 31 July 2010

I'm sorry Mr Patel..

Mr Patel is the very friendly chap that runs the corner shop across the street from me, and instinctively upon seeing me walk into his shop, reaches behind him for 20 Regal King Size. Saves on unnecessary conversation you see. I of course have to explain to him that this won't be required any more, so today it'll just be a pint of milk please. "You'll be buying a bloody cow next" he replied.

Well, first week over, and in all honesty, it's been pretty uneventful really. My last cigarette smoked was on Monday night, and I can't really say I've had any strong cravings either, a few mood swings here and there, but that's pretty much business as usual with me. This is turning out to be much easier than I both imagined, and remember it been from the last time I "stopped". One thing that may have made life a little easier is not been at work for a few days this week, which took care of the routine side of things.
Admittedly however, there have been a few moments where I've forgotten that I don't smoke any more and have thought to myself "might go for a fag" and then remembered what I'm doing. Well, I guess old habits die hard, but it could be and probably should be a lot harder than just "forgetting" from time to time.

I've been noticing a few things recently since I stopped smoking too, some good, some not so good, such as I can taste and smell things a little bit more (not always a good thing, especially when travelling on public transport), I can smell smoke on other people really strongly (again, not good, as that's how I used to smell), I'm noticing other people smoking a lot where ever I seem to go. It's a little early just yet to start talking about benefits to my health that I'm noticing, plus I was struck down with manfluenza last night, which I seem to remember getting the last time I stopped smoking too; must be some weird immune system thing from depriving my body of a shed load of chemicals that it's been accustomed to for the last ten years.

On a financial note, I notice that I go to cash machines less frequently, and as I'm no longer handing over a ten pound note to Mr Patel every couple of days, I never seem have any change in my pockets any more, which will begin to annoy the ladies in my works canteen I'm sure. Whilst we're on the subject of money, I've also been keeping track of how much money I've saved since I first stopped, based roughly on the days of the week I'd usually buy a packet of fags, times by roughly the cost of a 20 deck. So far I've saved a whopping £31.50!! This both surprises me and doesn't surprise me at the same time - it's a lot of money when I actually stop and think about how much £6 here and there adds up to, but then again as I mentioned in my last post, the last time I stopped I saved enough to fund my snowboarding [note to self: must do more snowboarding].

I also mentioned in my last post that I roughly worked out that the cost of smoking, and in turn the money saved by stopping smoking, roughly equated to the repayments on a small car. So, to combat the feeling I often get of money burning a hole in my pocket, the above is exactly what I've just done; I've gone and bought this:
So after a conversation with a salesman that went something along the lines of "Hello sir, can I help you?" - "Well, I'd like a car please, but I've got no money, so I don't know, can you help me?", I am now the relatively pleased owner of a 2006 Fiesta "Style", and yes, that really is the colour I've gone for. Lovely. Well, it beats the colour of rust that I'd become used to with my last trusty steed. So, no turning back now, my fag money will be paying for this for the next four years.

And on that bombshell, goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. As a wise (?) friend of mine once said, "Packing in smoking is easy, I've done it loads of times". Congratulations on the car - I've got a 2008 Fiesta Style... they're a fine car!
