Thursday 20 August 2009

To rest, or not to rest, that is the question...

Week 1, Day 3.

I didn't do a blog last night because I was just too knackered to after I'd finished, but once again, I surprised myself and lasted the session out. Then I ate some sheppard's pie, and fell asleep.

Earlier in the day I was worrying that I might not be able to, as the old pins were feeling the abuse which they have rather cruelly and suddenly been subjected to the previous two days. Once again, I decide that doing at least a little bit was better than doing nothing at all, so begrudgingly limped my way upstairs and onto the treadmill. It was painful throughout, but once I was on there and away, It seemed more effort to admit to quitting, than to plod on. Eventually, after what felt like hours, the 45 minutes were up.

So thus far the scores work out to be Good Days - 3, Bad Days - 0. The downside to last nights achievement is that today I am most definitely in pain. I'm considering giving it a miss tonight all together, the logic being that it's surely better to miss one night, rather than risk injury by forcing myself? I really don't want to pull a muscle because I think that will cost me about three days, possibly more. I'm not sure, I'll see how I feel later on I guess. Either that, or HMC will shout at me and I'll do as I'm told.

Does taking a rest day count as failing this weeks plan?

1 comment:

  1. Take a rest day. In the first few weeks there's no shame in it because the muscles will take a while to adjust but just hit it hard on Friday before weekend off. See, I am nice
